Groundhog’s Day

Ground Hog’s Day

I found the movie humorous. But these days I have much more empathy for Bill Murray. It’s not so much fun living the same day over and over again. I rise before 6AM, have coffee, watch the exact same news report, eat, take a walk, eat, check my computer for longed for communication, maybe a little snack, do a Sudoku puzzle, decide whether I should comb my hair or maybe take a shower. Or maybe not. What the hell. Smell my sweats to see if I can get another day out of them. By then I’m hungry again. Eat. Then it’s Mahjong and Hearts on the computer. Take a peek at my 401K. A glass of Metamucil and some antacid. And maybe –if it’s not raining- a little garden work before lunch. And so on and so on….

Honestly I don’t mean to make light of the situation. We have a pandemic on our hands and serious, life decisions need to be made. Like how do we get food. Yesterday we decided to try the “food delivery” method. Now I have to tell you that we did not come to this decision lightly. Trish actually began to twitch when she realized that she couldn’t use her coupons and that she would actually have to pay 11 cents more for a can of tuna fish!! But we felt we had no choice in the matter after our son’s daily warnings on the perils of human interaction. So Trish put in her order on line and was told that we should expect delivery by 4:30PM. The food was dropped on our door step around 7:30 PM. But of course I couldn’t just bring the food into the house. According to my son I needed to sterilize it first. So there I was- wiping down milk cartons, and frozen pizza boxes, and caned juices with a “Clorox” wipe. But I must admit that I was stymied on what to do with the fruit. How the hell do I sterilize grapes?? I finally did get everything into the house. Unfortunately the lettuce we ordered was replaced with Kale—yech. The low fat milk was replaced with whole milk—very upsetting since I have been so careful with my eating habits. And the bananas were so green I’m figuring we won’t get to them until the pandemic has passed. And they didn’t have any miniature chocolate peanut butter cups.

But I knew that Trader Joe’s did! I thought that maybe I could get to that store and back before my son found out. So I grabbed my gloves and the old mask I had in my workshop and off I went. When I got to the store I realized that they were only letting a few people at a time into the store so that they could practice social distancing. The problem was that because of this restriction there were about 70 people in line-standing just inches from one another. Hmmm. But no matter because I don’t do lines. Those doors could lead to paradise and I still would just “come back later”.

So no peanut butter cups.

As I drove home in a surly mood I began to sink into a dark place. I began to fantasize about how easy it would be to rob the place. I already would be wearing a mask and gloves. I could just walk up to the cashier and slip him or her a note.

“Don’t make any sudden moves. I was standing in line for 45 minutes just inches away from a lot of people I don’t know. God only knows what germs I have picked up!! Just put all the peanut butter cups in a bag or I will take off this mask and gloves right here and now!” 

But I snapped out of my fantasy when the phone rang. It was my son! If he found out I was in the car he would start his lecture all over again! So I didn’t answer, drove home as fast as I could, and called him back. “Just standing on the back deck son, having a snack”. Which just happened to be true after all.